Draft Agenda
PNB Coordinating Committee Meeting, Tuesday April 19, 2011, 8:30 PM Eastern
1. Call to Order
2. Call Roll
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Choose Temporary Secretary
5. Approval of Jan. 5, Feb. 10, and March 10 Meeting Minutes (sent separately)
6. Alternatives to in-person PNB Meeting, to cover what's needed
* all-day teleconference(s), with audio conference setup at each station?
* more frequent special meetings/teleconference?
* other
7. Develop PNB Agenda for next (Apr. 27) PNB meeting
8. Develop Proposed Bylaws amendments:
* Reduce no. of mandatory in-person meetings --instead of 4 to between 2 and 4
* Allow for regular monthly PNB telephonic meetings
* Make Bylaws easier to amend --see amendment proposed last yr for Art. 17 at http://pacifica.org/policy/proposed-bylaws-amendment---part-one.html
9. Confirm Next Committee Meeting Date (May 17, 8:30 PM Eastern)
10. Review Action Items
11. Adjourn (by approx. 10:30 PM Eastern or earlier)