We will discuss and talk about what is going on. All of us are overwhelmed with the horrible demonstration of global climate change happening with these fires in Los Angeles. Some have loved ones directly impacted. I have family in Pasadena and Beverly Hills near Runyon Canyon. In all these cases they have been ordered to evacuate their homes. The fate of them at this time is not clear. This is a time for all in Pacifica regardless of their differences to come together and support one another. Apocalyptic fires and the onset of the Trump administration in ten days requires collaboration, planning and creative vision. It is also clear that all of us throughout the network need to help and work with all our fellow citizens impacted in Los Angeles by this global climate change catastrophe unfolding in real time. Such disasters will increase and how do we handle them TOGETHER is imperative. In addition, the handling together of scenes coming of mass deportation, Trump neo-fascism, calls to invade Greenland and Panama and turn Canada into a state (conjuring up remembrance of the WAR OF 1812) cry out for organized response and opposition. They are calling to accompany the imposition by executive order of huge tariff increases the imposition of emergency powers of the Presidency on DAY ONE. And all this in the midst of the greatest wildfire disaster in American history So let us get together on Saturday night and discuss and think out loud creatively. Saturday January 11 2025 7:00 PM east coast time Meeting ID 867 8448 5721 Security Invite Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86784485721?pwd=bURkTFR0NzNhZERXL0grNkhvRDBwZz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86784485721?pwd=bURkTFR0NzNhZERXL0grNkhvRDBwZz09