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Pacifica National Board - Teleconference (Open Session)
8:30 pm Eastern Time, 7:30 pm Central Time, 5:30 pm Pacific Time
Originating in Various Locations
March 20, 2009
I. Call to Order and Opening Business. 5:30 pm (PT)
a. Roll Call / Establish Quorum. Establish time keeper. (5 Min.)
Box Legend Attendance: X Present; Ab Absent; Exc Excused Absence; AL Present-
Arrived Late.
KPFA - Berk., Ca.: KPFK - L.A., Ca.: KPFT - Houston, Tx.: WBAI -
N.Y., N.Y.:
Sherry Gendelman Grace Aaron George Reiter Nia
Bonnie Simmons Shawn O'Brian Sandra Rawline
Carolyn Birden
Andrea Turner Leslie Radford Wendy Schroell Kathy
Joseph Wanzala Ricco Ross Susan Young James Ross
WPFW - Wash. D.C.: AFFILIATES: Staff & Counsel:
Jim Brown David Beaton LaVarn Williams, Interim CFO
Acie Byrd Efia Nwangaza Ricardo De Anda, Int. Gen. Counsel
Luzette King
(Vacant Position)
b. Agenda Approval. (5 Min.)
c. Minutes Approval. [PNB Open Mtg. Min. 3-8-09 8,'09 and back Minutes.] (10
II. Acknowledgements. (5 Min.)
III. PNB Chair/Interim Ex. Dir. Report. (10 Min.)
IV. Interim CFO Report. (10 Min.)
V. Committees and Working Groups Reports. [Reports and Action Item Motions.]
a. Finance. (10 Min.)
1. Report.
2. Motion (At NFC: unanimous): The NFC requests that all financial units
present revised spending plans for the remainder of the fiscal year,
along with cash flow forecasts for the remainder of the fiscal year,
that assume that current fund raising trends persist. These plans
should be transmitted to the [interim] Chief Financial Officer by March 17, 2009.
3. Other Motions.
b. Motion by Young and J. Ross to Reconvene Strategic Recovery Plan Com. (5 Min.)
c. Governance. (5 Min.) 1.
2. Motion (At Gov.:7-0-1). The Governance Committee recommends to the PNB that
Noel Hanrahan be immediately reinstated to her position on the KPFA LSB
pending the establishment of policy on this matter by the PNB.
3. Other Motions.
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Pacifica National Board Teleconference AGENDA
March 20, 2009
V. Committees and Working Groups Reports. (Continued)
d. Audit. (5 Min.)
1. Report.
2. Motions.
e. Committee on Racism, Sexism and Other Forms of Discrimination. (5 Min.)
1. Report.
2. Motions.
f. Elections. (5 Min.)
1. Report.
2. Motions.
g. Programming. (5 Min.)
1. Report.
2. Motions.
h. Affiliates. (5 Min.)
1. Report.
2. Motions.
VI. Unfinished Business.
a. WPFW Director Election Update. (5 Min.)
b. Resolution by Wanzala, as follows: (5 Min.)
A reporter's arrest by the state is a fundamental challenge to the ability of the
press to exercise its constitutional role in creating a free and informed society.
The Pacifica Foundation is committed to defending journalists who are risking life
and liberty to provide crucial information to the public. These reporters cover
issues that are vital to our community and important for the nation."
c. Request by Radford (for KPFK), as follows: (5 Min.)
That the Pacifica Foundation takes an on-air editorial position opposing military
conflict and the escalation of military conflict in Afghanistan.
d. Options re: WBAI - Nia Bediako (10 min.)
VII. New Business. [To include urgent matters not otherwise noticed.]
VIII. Confirm Next Meeting (3 Min.)
IX. Adjournment: 7:30 pm (PT)
** Closed Executive Session Meeting to follow the above adjournment. **