Pacifica National Board
Finance Committee. June 10, 2005

The meeting was called to order by David Adelson, Chair Pro Tem.


Present: Dave Adelson, Teresa Allen (joined at 4:40 p.m.), Baruti Bediako,
Patty Heffley, Casey McFall, Marnie Tattersall, Jane Gatewood, Sandy Weinmann,
LaVarn Williams, Lonnie Hicks.

Absent: Mark Roberts

1. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Lonnie Hicks reported on financial statements for April 2005.

WBAI finished a recent fund drive which raised $709,000 toward a goal of $1.1
million. Plans to address the shortfall include a 10-day fund drive in July
to raise $225,000 net. The station may also hold events in September to raise
additional funds.

2. Bediako suggested redesigning the budget format into more functional
categories. A working group consisting of the station Treasurers and
the CFO was formed.

3. Motion by McFall, 2nd by Gatewood: The National Finance Committee
recommends that the Pacifica National Board direct Pacifica management to hire
a Human Resources Director no later than July 1, 2005.

Motion to Table by Weinmann.

Adelson - N
Bediako - Y
Heffley - N
Allen - N
McFall - N
Tattersall - Y
Gatewood - Y
Weinmann - Y
Williams - N
Hicks - Y

Motion to Table defeated.

Motion to Amend by Gatewood/Hicks: The National Finance Committee recommends
that the Pacifica National Board direct Pacifica management to hire a Human
Resources Director no later than August 1, 2005, and that a financial impact
analysis be reviewed by the NFC prior to the issue of a letter of hire.
Adelson - Y
Bediako - Y
Heffley - N
Allen - Y
McFall - Y
Tattersall - A
Gatewood - Y
Weinmann - Y
Williams - A
Hicks -Y

Motion to amend carried.

Vote on motion as amended:

Adelson - Y
Bediako - Y
Heffley - Y
Allen - Y
McFall - Y
Tattersall - A
Gatewood - Y
Weinmann - N
Williams - Y
Hicks - Y

Motion carried.

4. A working group to explore the financial impact of hiring a Human
Resources Director was formed. Members include Gatewood, Allen, Tattersall,
and Hicks.

5. Each Treasurer presented budget priorities for their respective stations.

6. Motion by Hicks, 2nd by Gatewood: That the Pacifica National Board and its
committees have a fiscal impact projection attached every major motion that
includes the source of funds and maximum related costs.

Adelson - Y
Bediako - Y
Heffley - Y
Allen - Y
McFall - Y
Tattersall - Y
Gatewood - Y
Weinmann - Y
Williams - Y
Hicks - Y

Motion carried.

Next committee meeting was scheduled for July 8, 2005, 3 p.m. pacific standard

The meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m. pst.

Respectfully Submitted,

Casey McFall
These minutes were approved on 11/29/07.