The narrative that specifies the Affiliate Taskforce voting procedure:
Voting, Co-Meeting Facilitators and Monthly Meetings
When voting is involved only Task Force members who have attended three
consecutive meetings (the meeting of the vote and two meetings immediately
prior to the vote) shall be allowed to vote. The Task Force will elect Co-
Meeting Facilitators (who shall be PNB Directors) and a Secretary (who shall be
any member of the Task Force). In order to select permanent yearly
Facilitators, there shall be a pro tem Facilitator for the first three
meetings. The Task Force shall meet a minimum of once a month.
2011- 08-25 Affiliate Taskforce Minutes
Draft Agenda
I. Call to order and roll call (5)
II. Approval of Agenda (5)
III. Election of co-facilitators (15)
IV. Approval of minutes for June and July (10)
V. Report from the Affiliates Director Ursula Ruedenberg (10)
VI. Discussion about survey and implementation of survey (30)
VII. Adjourn
2011-08-25 Affiliate Taskforce Minutes
I.Meeting convened at 7:40pm.
Attendees: Kim Kaufman, Teresa Allen, Jessica Apolinar, Nia Bediako, Jim
Brinkley, Heather Gray, Ursula Ruedenberg, Deena Kolbert, Guest- Marianne
Knorzer (KMUD)
Excused: Chandra Hauptman; Campbell Johnson
II. Approval of Agenda: Approved without objection.
III. Election of co-facilitators: T Allen nominated Campbell Johnson. Deena
Kolbert nominated Heather Gray. No other nominations. Campbell Johnson
elected without objection. Heather Gray elected without objection.
IV. Approval of minutes for June and July; June 23, 2011 minutes approved
without objection. July 28, 2011 minutes approved without objection.
V. Report from the Affiliates Director- Ursula Ruedenberg: Pacifica Foundation
is slightly ahead of schedule with affiliates signing contracts: $215k in paid
fees; $6k remaining to be paid. Stations not in flux will have 2-year
contracts. U Ruedenberg is working on the 9/11 anniversary national program
and administration of the new Audioport. Two new independently-produced
programs are on Audioport-one on education, one on food. Ursula is just back
from Grassroots Radio Conference, hosted by KKFI & media activists in Kansas
City, MO, with many new people/station reps. attending. GRC voted to join
AMARC. Station members there and FSRN expressed interest in the Portal
Project, recognizing the need and opportunity for advancing a new way for radio
folks to communicate with each other on the web, as well as recognizing the
importance of including an "economic" aspect to our work in community radio
which is an integral part of the portal project through the e-commerce
VI. Discussion about survey and implementation of survey :
Deena Kolbert led a discussion to correct and make amendments to the Draft
Survey, which will be sent through subcommittee (H Gray, D Kolbert, U
Ruedenberg, M Knorzer, T Allen, K Kaufman) to finalize, adding Joseph
Orosco's questions (**U Ruedenberg will call him) and Marianne Knorzer's
questions (no objections) onto an Excel spreadsheet; then send to affiliates
for any more input. **T Allen will ask Jim Boyd if he wants to join. **D
Kolbert will make corrections to spreadsheets from this meeting and send to the
Affiliate Taskforce; she will convene a subcommittee teleconference. Tentative
target completion is end of Sept.; tentative Affiliate Taskforce phone calls
and emails to stations in Oct. and Nov; tentative analysis of results in Dec.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 10:13pm EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen, Affiliate Taskforce Secretary
Submitted 2011-09-13
Approved 2011-10-27