2011-10-27 Affiliate Taskforce Minutes
Draft Agenda
I. Call to order and roll call (5)
II. Approval of Agenda (5)
III. Approval of minutes for Aug. 25, 2011 (5)
IV. Report from the Affiliates Coordinator Ursula Ruedenberg (10)
V. Audioport: 2 motions from Sept. PNB meeting & impact upon affiliates
VI. Discussion of Affiliate Coordinator Recruiting/Vetting/Election timeline
VII. Discussion of survey and timeline for implementation (30)
VIII. Adjourn
2011-10-27 Affiliate Taskforce Minutes
I. Meeting called to order at 8:50pm EST
Present: Chaundra Hauptman, Kim Kaufman, Teresa Allen, John Brinkley, Campbell
Johnson, Heather Gray, Efia Nwangaza, Ursula Ruedenberg, Deena Kolbert
Excused: Nia Bediako
II. Approval of Agenda: T Allen moved that we begin with report from
Coordinator Ursula Ruedenberg. No objection. Agenda as amended- approved
without objection.
III. Report from the Affiliates Coordinator Ursula Ruedenberg: work on
contracts has been harder because some affiliates have financial problems and
still negotiating contracts; currently has contracts with 160 affiliates at
$225,000; expects $240,000 when all signed. Took Q & A and discussed Pacifica
work with tech team on Audioport, training and marketing issues, outreach
involving issues such as Occupy Movement (in conversation with FSRN), 2 PNB
resolutions concerning Audioport passed in Sept.; grant opportunities
. U Ruedenberg will send out email to production people and station
managers asking if they have Occupy material to share; will discuss
possibilities with ED and with TF through listserve.
IV. Audioport: 2 motions passed at Sept. PNB meeting & impact upon affiliates:
"Whereas Pacifica has just experienced a dramatic loss of service to its
affiliates for a 24 hour period, and Whereas the computer support and service
is at continued high risk of interruption or failure, the following motion is
On an immediate basis, the volume of material available on audio port will be
reduced to a level that can be supported with a reasonable certainty of
reliability and redundancy.
The details of determining and implementing this configuration, including
selection and configuration of vendors, shall be the responsibility of the
technical department.
Any funds required to implement this modification (up to $2,000) shall be made
immediately available to the technical department.
This task is to receive high priority and is expected to be completed by
October 31, 2011." Passed without objection.
Computer Systems Services and Support
A) A needs assessment survey will be conducted either by the National Office or
an appointed task force to determine the needs of programmers, hosts, and
affiliates regarding access to programs that are currently being loaded up on
AudioPort. This survey will officially be completed by November 30, 2011 and
updated on an annual basis.
B) A plan created by the technical department and presented to the National
Office and the PNB of all known areas of the Foundation's network services and
support, which present an imminent or short-term risk of interruption or
This report will detail five topics: 1) Area of operation, station or business
2) descriptions of services support provided; 3) Danger of failure (loss of
data, loss of public access, lack of security); 4) Methods of remedy for new
hardware, software or service; 5) Associated costs to implement the remedy (one-
time or ongoing costs).
C) This report should be made available to management and the PNB by the first
meeting of December 2011 and shall be updated on an annual basis.
D) The report should include a five-year plan for up-grading and providing long-
term growth solutions for storage and sharing with AudioPort, due by the next
in-person meeting in January. Passed without objection.
V. H Gray moved approval of August 25, 2011 minutes-- approved without
VI. Discussion of Affiliate Director Recruiting/Vetting/Election timeline: C
Johnson will monitor candidate submissions with National Office.
VII. Discussion of survey and timeline for implementation: Coordinator
Ruedenberg will make recommendations; Subcommittee will review; hopefully
present for vote at Nov. or Dec. Affiliate Taskforce meeting.
VIII. Members agreed that next meetings would be on Tuesdays, Nov. 22nd and
Dec. 6th
IX. T Allen moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:47pm EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen
Approved 2011-11-22