2013-10-03 PNB Affiliate Taskforce Minutes (Open Session)
Draft Agenda
I.Call to order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of minutes 9-5-2013
IV. Vote to move into executive session to discuss the Affiliate Program Budget

V. Adjourn

2013-10-03 PNB Affiliate Taskforce Minutes (Open Session)
I.Meeting was called to order at 7:14pm ET.
Present: Chandra Hauptman, Teresa Allen, Shawn Rhodes, Janis Lane-Ewart, Deena
Kolbert, Ursula Ruedenberg. Excused: Heather Gray.
II. Approval of Agenda: S Rhodes moved to add Aff. Coordinator's report. No
objection. Amended agenda approved without objection.
III. Approval of minutes: 09-05-2013 minutes approved without objection.
IV. U Ruedenberg stated that she had not been called by the PNB to speak to
them regarding FSRN.
V. Janis Lane-Ewart moved to go into executive session to discuss the Affiliate
Program Budget. Approved without objection.
VI. Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm EST.

Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen
Secretary 10-5-2013; approved 2014-01-16