05-13-13 PNB Personnel Cmte. Minutes
Draft Agenda
I.Call to order/roll call
II. Approve agenda
III. Approve Minutes 04-08-13
IV. Old Business
A. ED Search: Ad placement
B. Search procedures
V. New business
A. Budget
B. Electronic interview recommendations (Video conferencing...)
T Allen: "I move that the PNB conduct the ED candidate interviews by video
C. Staff Handbook(s)
VI. Next scheduled meeting: 06-10-13
VII. Action items
VIII. Adjourn

05-13-13 PNB Personnel Cmte. Minutes
I.The meeting was called to order at 8:35PM EST.
Present: Teresa Allen, Janet Coleman, John Cromshow, Luzette King, Tracy
Rosenberg. Excused: Janis Lane-Ewart
II. Approve agenda
III. Approve Minutes 04-08-13: Approved without objection.
IV. Old Business
A. ED Search: Ad placement: *** T Allen will send a notice of the ED
position open on the GRC listserve. LA Times print ad is running 7 days
through Thursday, May 16, 2013; Career Builder is running through June-do
we need to extend our deadline?
J Coleman moved: That we approve an ED salary range of $90-110k/yr., to be
posted with our advertisements and that the ED Search deadline be extended
to the June 2013 date of the ad already placed with careerbuilders.com.
Passed without objection. Chair will send this to the Secretary to be put
on the PNB agenda.
B. Search procedures: By consensus, the committee agreed:
All candidates from the previous search and all new candidates will be
notified if the deadline is extended.
Applications will be accepted through the deadline, then the Cmte. will
narrow the list, and then further narrow the list, & at that point we will
prompt candidates to check that all 4 parts of their applications have
been submitted.
V. New business
A. Budget: ***Chair will contact Secretary for clarification of the budget
B. Electronic interview recommendations (Video conferencing...)
***T Allen and J Coleman will conduct further research on video
C. Staff Handbook(s)
VI. Next scheduled meeting: 06-10-13
VII. Action items:
***T Allen will send a notice of the ED position open on the GRC listserve.
***Chair will contact Secretary for clarification of the budget resolution.
***T Allen and J Coleman will conduct further research on video conferencing.
VIII. Meeting adjourned at 10:50PM EST

Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen
5-13-13; approved 2013-06-10