Date Approved: May 5, 2014

Regular In-Person Meeting
February 7-10, 2014
The Beacon Hotel
Washington, D.C.

Audio recordings of the entire meeting and those of special interest listed at
end are in PNB meeting archive:

Friday, February 7, 2014: PNB OPEN SESSION. 9:05 am (ET)

I. A. Call to Order/ Opening Business. Heather Gray called meeting to
order on Friday, February 7, 2014, at 9:05 am, at the Beacon Hotel,
Washington, D.C.

B. Roll Call/ Establish Quorum. Richard Uzzell called the roll. Quorum

Box Legend Attendance: X Present; Ab Absent; Exc Excused Absence; AL Arrived
KPFA - Berkeley, CA KPFK - L.A., CA: KPFT - Houston, TX:
X Brian Edwards-Tiekert X Rodrigo Argueta X Adriana Casenave
AL Carolyn Birden
X Janet Kobren X Lydia Brazon X Hank Lamb
X Janet Coleman
X Jose Luis Fuentes-Roman X Kim Kaufman X George Reiter X
Cerene Roberts
X Margy Wilkinson X Lawrence Reyes X Richard Uzzell
X Manijeh Saba

X Jim Brown X Heather Gray
X Benito Diaz X Janis Lane-Ewart
AL Luzette King
X Tony Norman

II. Election of Chair and Secretary Pro Tem

A. Election of Chair Pro Tem: Edwards-Tiekert nominated Wilkinson.
Coleman nominated Reiter.

Heather Gray closed nominations. Candidates made short statements.
Volunteer tellers distributed and collected ballots from all 21 members

Detail: Gray's initial instructions were to put names on ballot and check
whether you wanted them as first or second, but procedure was corrected to
have candidates' names written on ballots so that a member's handwriting
would not void the secrecy of their ballot (Casenave), and the wording was
corrected to indicate that voters could vote for either, neither or both
candidates (Roberts). Second place votes matter if there's a tie (Reiter).
Further, if a tie resulted after counting second-place votes, straws would
be drawn (Edwards-Tiekert).

The tellers announced a count of 12 for Wilkinson, 9 for Reiter.
Wilkinson assumed the chair.

B. Election of Secretary Pro Tem: Lamb nominated Uzzell; Diaz nominated
Roberts declined the nomination. Casenave offered to serve as Recording
Diaz nominates Casenave; Casenave declines.
Roberts accepted the nomination working with Casenave. Name on ballot will
be Roberts.
Chair closed nominations.

Kobren wrote candidate names on ballots and distributed to 21
directors present. Volunteer tellers collected ballots and announced
a count of 10 for Uzzell and 11 for Roberts. Roberts was declared

III. Agenda Approval

Uzzell moved that agenda be approved.

Agenda approval put on hold until after Public Comment.


IV. Public Comment.
(Audio at Hour 3 in the Friday 2/7/14 archive at:

V. Agenda Approval RESUMED

Agenda approved with the following amendments:
. Saturday lunch moved to 12:30 PM, during Executive Session (Roberts)
. WPFW iGM & LSB Chair reports moved to Saturday from 3:30-4:30 PM
. Saturday Public comment moved to 4:30 - 5:30 PM (Roberts)
. Development Session moved to 6:30 - 9:30 PM (Roberts)
. Committee Reports moved to the location of Sunday item II. (Kaufman)
. Electing Committees & Task forces moved to where Sunday Evening's items
I + II had been (Kaufman).
. Two non-binding resolutions regarding Oscar Lopez Rivera & Russell
"Maroon" Shoats will be considered at the beginning of Monday's public
session (Reyes).
. Committee reports and elections shall be treated as one item to be done
between the times assigned Sunday morning and Sunday after dinner
. The WPFW iGM & LSB chair will get equal time for their presentations
Agenda as amended approved without objection.

Open Session of Friday, February 7, 2014, ends approximately 12:29 pm.