Approved Audit Committee July 22. 2014
Minutes by Kim Kaufman, secretary
Carolyn Birden
Fred Blair, Chair
Jose Luis Fuentes
Jane Gatewood
William Heerwagon
Kim Kaufman, Secretary
Hank Lamb
Robert Mark
Brenda Medina
Lawrence Reyes
Richard Uzzell
Marie Elena Castellanos
Donald Goldmacher
Frank LeFever
Approval of minutes
Selection of next meeting date
Report back from chair re questions to auditor
Election of chair
Update on audit
Agenda accepted with no objections
Amended minutes approved with no objection
Birden moves to have the CFO and auditor on next audit call to tell the
committee why the audit is not ready to start.
Kaufman amends to say the directors on the call will ask the CFO at the next
PNB meeting.
Kaufman substitutes with written questions to CFO:
Yes: Blair, Fuentes, Gatewood, Kaufman, Lamb, Mark, Medina, Reyes,
A: Heerwagon, Uzzell
Kaufman motion now main motion
Passes with no objections
Nomination of officers:
Reyes nominates Medina
Birden nominates Blair
Secretary -
Fuentes nominates Kaufman
Kaufman elected as secretary by acclamation
Blair to contact N.O. to arrange vote
"secretary" to coordinate election -
Move to adjourn