From Various Locations via Telephone Conference
DRAFT AGENDA - Open Meeting
Thursday, April 30, 2015 - 8:30PM ET
I. Call to Order
A. Roll call and establishment of quorum
Teresa Allen, KPFT Kim Kaufman, KPFK
Rodrigo Argueta, KPFK Janet Kobren, KPFA
Carolyn Birden, WBAI Janis Lane-Ewart, KFAI Affiliate
Lydia Brazon, KPFK Robert Mark, KPFT
Jim Brown, WPFW Brenda Medina, KPFK
Stephen Brown, WBAI Tony Norman, WPFW
Adriana Casenave, KPFT Robert Rabin (Siegal), WVQR
Janet Coleman, WBAI George Reiter, KPFT
Benito Diaz, WPFW Cerene Roberts, WBAI
Brian Edwards-Tiekert, KPFA Pete Tucker, WPFW
Jose Luis Fuentes, KPFA Margy Wilkinson, KPFA
B. Identify Timekeepers - one for speakers (90 seconds) and one for
agenda items
C. Excused absences
D. Agenda Approval (30 min.)
E. Minutes Approval (5 min.)
. 04.09.15 Draft PNB OPEN meeting minutes
II. New PNB officers
(5 min.)
A. Announcement of PNB Chair election results
B. Nominations for Vice Chair
III. Special Order of Business (50 min. total, sum of
Motion to remove PNB Director Kim Kaufman
. Reading of the Motion by Brenda Medina (10 min)
. Response by Kim Kaufman or Designee (10 min)
. Board Discussion (20 min)
. Final Statement by Brenda Medina (5 min)
. Final Statement by Kim Kaufman or Designee (5 min)
The motion under consideration is as follows:
Move that Kim Kaufman be removed from her position as a Director of
Pacifica Foundation Radio, for conduct adverse to the best interests of
the foundation, on the following charge and specifications:
Charge: Distributing confidential foundation records and information to
non-members of the Pacifica National Board (PNB).
Specification 1: Kaufman conspired to transmit confidential records to
Tracy Rosenberg, a non-PNB member who frequently launches public
attacks on the Foundation based on purportedly confidential
information. [Rosenberg has since threatened to publish foundation
check ledgers.]
Specification 2: Kaufman conspired to transmit confidential records to
Summer Reese, a former employee of the foundation who is currently an
adverse party to the foundation in two separate legal proceedings.
Specification 3: Kaufman discussed with both Reese and Rosenberg a
confidential investigation of actions by a former employee, potentially
breaching that employee's right to privacy and creating a cause of
action against the Foundation.
VII. Adjourn (by 9:30PM ET)