From Various Locations via Telephone Conference
Approved Minutes - Open Session
Tuesday, January 26, 2016-8:30 pm

8:47 pm Tony Norman Committee's Chair called the meeting to Order.
Roll call was taken and Quorum was established by committee's Secretary.
PNB Chair and iED: Lydia Brazon
PNB Vice Chair: Tony Norman.
PNB Secretary: Janet Kobren.
KPFT: Adriana Casenave and George Reiter.
WPFW: Benito Diaz.
WBAI: Cerene Roberts.
Absent: Margy Wilkinson and Carolyn Birden.

Call to Order
Minute Approval
PNB Meetings
1. January 28, 2016; February 4. (agenda) 25 min
2. Regular and Special 25
3. Meeting notices.
Next Meeting

Minutes of June 4, 2015 were approved without objections.

Agenda was approved without objections.

Discussions of the Agenda items for January 28, 2016 PNB meeting where the
new PNB members will be seated.
Roll call.
Time Keepers.
Election of Chair ProTem and Secretary ProTem.
PNB Directors introduce themselves.
NES Report will not be included until the PNB receives her written Report.

PNB Committees sign-ups (Added without objections to the Agenda of January
28, 2016 by Kobren).

9:17 pm Committee members started the discussions of point # 2 in the
Agenda: Regular and Special meetings.
Brazon explained the amendment for Regular meeting of the PNB on the first
Thursday of the month.

9:29 pm Kobren motion: "The PNB Secretary post notices of regular meetings
for the 1st Thursday of each month through December 2016."

Casenave moved to amend: "The PNB Secretary post notices of regular
meetings for the 1st Thursday of each month for the month of February and
March 2016." The amendment failed by a vote of 3 Yes 4No.
Voted Yes (3): Brazon, Roberts and Casenave.
Voted No (4): Kobren, Reiter, Diaz, Norman.

Kobren motion: "The PNB Secretary post notices of regular meetings for the
1st Thursday of each month through December 2016." Passed by a vote of
5Yes 2No.
Voted Yes (5): Kobren, Brazon, Reiter, Diaz and Norman.
Voted No (2): Casenave and Roberts.

9:40 pm Next meeting of the Coordinating Committee was set by February 24,

9:43pm Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Adriana Casenave Coordinating Committee's