WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
August 10, 2016
1990 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C.
Olayimika Cole, Chair

Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to order
At 6:45pm a quorum was established. Olayimika Cole, Chair
called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.
II. Roll call
16 members were present at roll call: Lona Alias, Tony
Norman, Eric Ramey, Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, Ron Pinchback, Sabooh Hikim, Ellen Williams Carter, Martha Peterson,
Olayimika Cole, Arthur McCloud, Louis Wolf, JW Nightwolf, Gloria Turner, Cliff Smith, Meredith Cordisco and Tony
3. Late: Campbell Johnson, Vickie Mc Gill, Nick Arena, Nancy Sorden
5. Absent: Marion Douglas-Ungaro, Jim
Brown, Eileen Rosin, Christine Cotter, Donald Williams
The GM Jerry Paris was present.
The IPD Katea Stitt was
Appointed Timekeeper: Arthur McCloud
Sergeant -at-Arms: Arthur McCloud
III. Approval of
Agenda approved
IV. Management Reports Jerry Paris
The General Manager stated the following:
pledge drive will be extended. The Drive will end on August 20, 2016 since we have not met our goal. The station
building rent is behind two months; however, he is trying to negotiate a payment plan with the landlord. There are other
outstanding bills. A WPFW – FM Revenue & Operating Budget for 8-1-16 through 12-31-16 was submitted by the
V. Outreach and Development Committee Report:
The Blues Festival tickets are selling well. Tony Norman
has a friend who will help provide T-Shirts to sell during the festival. Martha Peterson put a flyer in Programmer’s
boxes about the 5K walk/run challenge fundraiser scheduled for October 1, 2016.
VI. MASC Committee
The next
meeting is on Wednesday, August 18, 2016.
VII. Programming Committee
The committee submitted Proposed Draft
Resolutions to be submitted for Vote.
The vote for the, Volunteer Staff & Programmers’ Bill of Rights was the
For 11
Against 3
Abstention 2
The Draft was approved and will be submitted to the General
The vote for the, Complaint And Grievance Procedure was the following:
For 13
Against 2
The Draft was approved and will be submitted to the General Manager.
VIII. Community Comment
Jim a community
member stated that we need the Town Hall Meeting to let the community know about WPFW’s financial problems.
Election LSB Listener Representatives and Treasurer:
A motion was submitted by Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington
as follows:
I move that the Listener Vacancy and Treasurer elections scheduled for tonight be postponed until the
next regularly scheduled, monthly meeting due to lack of proper notice and defective notice.
The LSB vote:
Against 6
Abstention 2
The LSB voted to vote for the Treasurer and Listener representatives.
The Fair Vote
election results were the following:
Nick Arena won on the 1st round – he was unopposed
2 Listener
Meredith Cordisco won on the 1st round
Christine Cotter won on the 2nd round
Finance report
A WPFW – FM Revenue & Operating Budget for 8-1-16 through 12-31-16 was submitted by the
XI. Adjournment
Olayimika Cole adjourned the regular meeting at 9:30pm
Meeting adjourned at
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter Secretary of the LSB