WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
October 12, 2016
Meeting Place: Howard University School of
Olayimika Cole, Chair
Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to order
At 6:45pm a quorum was
established. Olayimika Cole, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.
II. Roll call
14 members were present
at roll call: Tony Norman, Eric Ramey, Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, JW Nightwolf, Ron Pinchback, Ellen Williams Carter,
Louis Wolf, Donald Williams, Eileen Rosin, Cliff Smith and, Olayimika Cole, Tony Leon, Arthur McCloud, Nick Arena
(non-voting), Gloria Turner, Jim Brown
3 members Late: Vickie Mc Gill, Campbell Johnson, Meredith Cordisco
members Absent: Lona Alias, Marion Douglas-Ungaro, Sabooh Hikim, Martha Peterson, Nancy Sorden, Christine
Excused absences: Lona Alias, Sabooh Hikim, Martha Peterson, Nancy Sorden, Christine Cotter
absences: Marion Douglas-Ungaro
The GM Jerry Paris was present.
The IPD Katea Stitt was
Parliamentarian: John Tatum
Timekeeper: Arthur McCloud
Sergeant -at-Arms: Arthur McCloud
Approval of Agenda
Agenda Approved
Agenda amended: There was no objection
IV. Approval of the
Minutes for September 14, 2016
V. Finance Committee Report Nick Arena
The Treasurer stated the
The WPFW LSB Fundraising Task Force met on Saturday and our objective is to help the station raise
money. During the week, we made calls to major donors. We raised about $6,000. We will continue to call members who
have stopped making contributions. In addition, we are trying to find new donors. He requested that the LSB members give
information about potential donors that they know. The task force will have a phone conference call meeting on Monday,
October 24, 2016.
VI. Management Reports Jerry Paris
The General Manager stated the following:
On October
12, 2016, payroll for WPFW employees was made. He is looking into a different health insurance plan. Negations are
continuing with all venders. Union negations will occur soon regarding the reduction of employee hours from 40 hours to
32 hours a week. There will be additional Spanish language programming on Tuesdays from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. WPFW’s
Arbitron rating went up 7 points. Vinnie Jack requested that board members help answer phones during the fund drive. The
pledge drive just passed $30,000. WPFW will air the last Presidential debate. The 5K Run/Walk raised WPFW’s profile.
We will receive major support from Prince Georges’ County. The election quorum has been reached. As part of the jazz
initiative , he is asking for support in acquiring the Franklin Building.
VII. Community Comment
He respects Jim Brown. He works as a team player. He wants a point of confidence from the LSB for
Benito Diaz:
Re: Motion that was submitted by the WPFW LSB chair on 10.12.2016
He made a suggestion for
the motion that was submitted by WPFW LSB chair on the agenda 10.12.2016 concerning the engagement of CRESA.
by the chair: Given that time is of the essence to move forward with the engagement of CRESA to assist WPFW in its
relocation efforts to find a home, this LSB strongly recommends to the IED, that all relevant paperwork required to
complete the engagement from the IED and National Office is concluded by the end of October 2016.
Re: Jim Brown’s
status as a staff member of the LSB
He alleged that the review of Jim Brown’s status as a WPFW staff member of the
LSB is a retaliatory action because of the motion to return the LSB show to the Program Committee.
The Program Committee is meeting once a month on the fourth Thursday of the month.
Bob Hall:
stated that he has been a listener for 10 years. He would like to hear more news on the station that is like Democracy
John Tatum (Parliamentarian):
The Chair is the individual to tell you that your time is up during a
The chair asked for this statement to be added to the minutes:
“I am the 10th female LSB member to
receive harassment from Benito Diaz.”
VIII. PNB Reports
Tony Norman stated:
National Election
Pacifica needs to pay for the election. They owe $20,000.
Audit issue:
Pacifica needs to complete the
audit. We owe $20,000.
General issues:
Stations have had difficulty paying their Central Service funds. WBAI
owes millions in rent. WBAI has not had a quorum during their LSB meetings in 6 months. There will be reductions and
cuts across Pacifica.
Jim Brown stated:
There are management problems throughout the network.
IX. Program
Committee Report
This is a brief Program Committee report sent to the LSB by the chair of the PC committee which met
on September 22, 2016 at WPFW Station:
PC is close to finalizing the list of Committee members. We are clarifying
preferred email addresses and communicating with individuals to discern their desired level of participation.
subcommittee was formed to produce the LSB Show. Members include Jim Brown, Benito Diaz, Cliff Murray and Eric Ramey.
The focus of the next show will be WPFW Finances.
This motion was presented by Tony Leon regarding Jim Brown (LSB
member and PNB member) status as a WPFW LSB staff member:
I move that the General Manager report back to the board
with a determination of the status of Jim Brown as a WPFW volunteer staff member.
X. Fundraising Report
is the expense and revenue statement for the money received on Sunday, October 9, 2016 from the 5K Run/Walk
XI. Relocation Committee
This motion was sent to the IED by the chair:
I move that given
that time is of the essence to move forward with the engagement of CRESA to assist WPFW in its relocation efforts to
find a home, this LSB strongly recommends to the IED, that all relevant paperwork required to complete the engagement
from the IED and National Office is concluded by the end of October 2016.
No objection
XII. Adjournment
to adjourn: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington and Vickie Mc Gill: There was no objection.
Olayimika Cole adjourned the
regular meeting at 9:25pm
Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter Secretary of
the LSB