Notes of the KPFK LSB Structure Committee Meeting of 4/22/2004

A properly noticed meeting of the KPFK LSB Structure Committee was convened by
Don White at 4:40 pm in the Conference Room at KPFK on April 22, 2004. Members
in attendance were Maria Armoudian (late), Sherna Gluck, Terry Goodman, Jan
Goodman, and Don White.. Also participating were John Doe 1 (late), Leslie
Radford (left early), and Harrison Weil.

Without objection, Don White was made Chair Pro-Tem. The Chair appointed Terry
Goodman as Note-Taker. Maria Armoudian arrived and chaired the remainder of
the meeting. There was general discussion regarding the LSB meeting dates
survey. Motion from Terry Goodman was distributed, amended, and adopted
unanimously to the effect that Terry Goodman continue to poll LSB members as to
the best times for LSB meetings. The Note-Taker has no verbatim copy of that
resolution. Committee members offered to assist with follow-up telephone calls
to LSB members who fail to respond to the poll via email.

There was general discussion about the membership and empowerment of

Structure Committee Recommendations to the LSB:

Motion from Gluck

That committees bring policy recommendations and general implementation plans
to the LSB for approval. If approved, committees are empowered to fulfill the

Further resolved:
That potential voting members may be nominated by the committee or the LSB but
must be elected by the LSB.

Motion passed.
Yes 4, No 1

A substitute motion from T. Goodman failed.

Motion from Gluck

That the LSB form a committee that will review and recommend policies and
procedures related to the workplace that are not covered by the union contract,
including but not limited to temporary and volunteer staff,

Motion passed.
Yes 4, No 1

A substitute motion from T. Goodman failed.

A motion to adjourn the meeting until 4:30 pm on Thursday, May 6, 2004 in the
Conference Room at KPFK passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned to a
time certain.

Terry Goodman
KPFK LSB Structure Committee Note-Taker