Pacifica Radio Foundation, KPFT FM 90.1 LSB
Regular KPFT LSB Meeting, on 2017 June 14.
Minutes prepared by Joseph Davis, pro tem Secretary, Approved July 12, 2017
Location: Montrose Community Center; Houston, TX
Meeting convened by Chair Ted Weisgal.
No minutes of previous meetings were read or approved.
All original motions were notified in the Agenda posted by Chair Ted Weisgal.
Roll Call, P=Present, A=Absent, X=eXcused Absence
|Listener Delegates |Staff Delegates |
|Seat/Elected 2014 |Seat/Elected 2016 |Seat/Elected 2014 |
|P Bill Crosier |P Adriana Casenave |X Rhonda Garner |
|P Anisa Faruqi |X Di Conkling |P Mike Lewis |
|X Richard Hyde |P Elayne Duncan |P Clif Smith |
|P Jerry Lynch |P Alexandra Hunter |Seat/Elected 2016 |
|P Susie Moreno |X Jim Krafka |P Robert Gartner |
|P Susan Radwan |P Robert Mark |X Wally James |
|P Jamie Rodriguez |P P. K. McCary |P Lars Headington |
|X Deb Shafto |P K. C. Sinclair |Other/Ex-officio |
|P Ted Weisgal |P Vaniecia Williams |P Obidike Kamau |
| | |P Nick Economidis |
1900: Meeting commences. (1900 is 7pm, some items are prefixed with time for
sync with audio record.)
Chair asks the body for any objections to Joseph Davis serving as Secretary pro
tem, hearing no objections (HNO), Joseph Davis is elected Secretary pro tem.
1905: Chair speaks to the resignation of Hank Lamb and his replacement by the
next highest ranking candidate in accordance with Article Four, Section 10 of
the Bylaws.
Casenave: Point of Order: As per previous procedures based on RONR,
resignations are to be seated by the body, and open seats are to be filled by
the body since only the body has the power to do either under the guidance of
the Bylaws.
The chair sustained the point.
Chair asks for objections to accepting the resignation of Hank Lamb, and the
seating of Lars Headington, Hearing no objections to either, the body accepts
Hank Lamb's resignation and seats Lars Headington as KPFT Staff Delegate.
Chair speaks to the resignation of Don Cook and the next highest ranking
Listener candidate Richard Hyde. The Chair contacted Mr. Hyde, and was informed
he is unavailable until the August LSB meeting.
Chair moves to excuse absences for Richard Hyde for June and July, motion
Roll call:
15 members present, quorum at 13.
Chair moves to excuse absence of Di Conkling, passes HNO.
Chair moves to excuse absence of Jim Krafka, passes HNO.
Chair moves to excuse absence of Deb Shafto, passes HNO.
Chair moves to excuse absence of Rhonda Garner, passes HNO.
Chair moves to excuse absence of Wally James, passes HNO.
1912: Chair Weisgal relinquishes the Chair to Elayne Duncan to advocate for his
motion. See RONR p394 line 24 to p395 line 26 to explain this and further
change of Chair occurrences this meeting.
Weisgal, motion to move sections XI Unfinished Business and XII New Business
before all remaining agenda items.
12 For, 1 Opposed, agenda is so modified.
Duncan relinquishes Chair to Weisgal
1916: XI.A. Town Hall Meeting: P.K. McCary, Clif Smith, Hank Lamb, Obidike
No status available. Postponing item for arrival of Obidike Kamau or member
1917: XI.B Program Council Election Status Report and relationship to LSB
taking into account the LSB Duty (Bylaws/Article 7/G: "to work with station
management to ensure that station programming fulfills the purposes of the
Program Council to have 5 LSB members, 5 Listener members and 5 Programmers.
Staff: Sandy Weinman, Evan McHanahan(SP)
Listener: none
LSB: K. C. Sinclair, Lars Headington, Anisa Faruqi, Ted Weisgal, Jerry Lynch.
1918: Rodriguz :Propose PSA for on-air announcement, will do immediately.
1919: Arrival member Jerry Lynch
1920: Moreno: Proposes to distribute flyers in boxes for staff.
Chair asks for objections to PSAs and flyers as notice, none.
Chair: Should Program Council to report to LSB?
Robert Mark proposes: Five LSB members seated on Program Council can report on
Program Council status.
1922: Moving to XII: New Business
1922: XII.A Underwriting: Affirming of Policy presented by Obidike Kamau and
Brian Sanchez
Duncan: will email Underwriting policy (14 page document) to all LSB members.
Chair proposes subsidiary motion to postpone definitely to July 2017 LSB
meeting. HNO approved.
Item XII.B
1924: Weisgal relinquishes Chair to Duncan
1924: XII.B Open Journal: Motion encouraging producers to devote extensive time
to political issues. (TW)
1910: Weisgal, point of order: Asking to refer this issue to the Program
Council is out of order because the Program Council does not yet exist.
Chair rules the motion is in order as the existence of the Program Council has
been mandated by the PNB and while formative at present, it does exist.
Point of order is lost.
1937: Rodriguez: Amend by substitution: "Vote to reaffirm KPFT's commitment to
progressive radio in an alternative facts world."
Vote to amend by substitute motion, 14 For, 2 Opposed. Motion substituted.
Motion passed with no objection.
Motion as passed Vote to reaffirm KPFT's commitment to progressive radio in an
alternative facts world.
1937: Arrival P. K. McCary
Item XII.C
1940: XII.C Open Journal: Motion encouraging producers to reopen phone lines to
members of the community. (TW).
1957: Casenave: amend by substitution in entirety: "The KPFT LSB supports the
Interim General Manager, Obidike Kamau, and all his decisions about
Item XII.C tabled until after public comment
1959: Duncan relinquishes Chair to Weisgal for Public comment.
1947: Arrival Obidike Kamau
2000: Begin Public comment.
Support expressed for current format of Open Journal.
Request for some kind of general call in show on a daily or weekly basis.
Avocation to increase membership.
Disappointment at failure to address a recent Nazi Salute by board member,
citing previous Chair DeWayne Lark (a black man) who was called "boy" by
another member at a 2015 LSB meeting, and the lack of corrective action by LSB
to hold persons to account for extreme offensive behavior.
Report that the previous 'boy' comment incident was in fact acted on by the
2015 LSB with a suspension and ordering of the offending member to attend
sensitivity training.
End of Public comment.
2025: Weisgal relinquishes Chair to Duncan
Item XII.C resumed from table
2025: Chair rereads amendment, no debate requested, going to vote.
Vote on substitute motion 12 For, 1 Opposed.
Without further objection, motion is passed.
Motion as passed: The KPFT LSB supports the Interim General Manager, Obidike
Kamau, and all his decisions about programming.
Duncan relinquishes Chair to Weisgal having completed XII.C
Item XII.G
Nick Economides reads the entirety of motion XII.G
2031: Chair asks for objections to any sections to resolve separately.
Hunter: Objection to item XII.5.6 "Each LSB member will be expected..."
Casenave: Objection to item XII.5.4 "A list of local station board members..."
Chair: Motion to close debate, 4 For, 0 opposed, debate closed.
Chair calls for voice vote on motion XII.G less items 5.4 and 5.6, the
remaining motion text is approved.
Motions on 5.4 and 5.6 to resolve objections from the original motion.
Debate on objections to 5.4
2040: Mark moves to amend by substituting the word "recognition" for word
"list" in item 5.4.
Chair calls the vote on the motion to amend 5.4 by changing 'list' to
Motion is amended, amended motion passes as revised item 5.4.
Debate on objections to 5.6
2049: Chair moves to close debate on item 5.6, motion passes.
2050: Voice vote to include section 5.6, motion fails, 5.6 to be omitted.
2050: Mark: amend item "7" 5.7 replaced "6" 5.6, approved HNO.
Begin passed motion XII.G
Fund Drive Motion: The Local Station Board of KPFT hereby moves the following:
1. The KPFT Local Station Board affirms that the KPFT General Manager should
develop a fund drive schedule with pledge revenue goals for each fund drive
aligned with the annual KPFT "Listener Support" budget.
2. The KPFT Local Station Board recommends that a fund drive committee be
formed by the General Manager 60 days or more before each regular fund drive to
organize and leading each fund drive. The fund drive committee should include
at least 5 individuals with an appointed Chairperson. Such committee may
consist of KPFT staff, KPFT Local Station Board members, or volunteers.
1. Establish general "pitch" and "promotion" guidelines, including selecting
appropriate premium items and providing on-air staff with appropriate and
consistent "pitching points."
2. Meet with individual programmers (in person, by telephone or e-mail) to
plan a pitch and promotion strategy specific for each show.
3. Work with the Development staff to solicit and schedule challenge funds, as
well as donations from third parties that may be offered as premium items.
4. Schedule on-air "pitch assistance" as well as volunteer phone staff to
support and staff the drive.
5. Provide necessary training to KPFT staff, volunteers and others assisting
with the fund drive. The Chairperson of the committee will furnish to the KPFT
General Manager, the Executive Director and the KPFT Local Station Board a
written summary of the fund drive results within ten (10) days after the
conclusion of the fund drive.
1. The fund drive goal and final results;
2. The total pledges received, average pledge amount and the number of pledges
received for each KPFT program;
3. Identification of KPFT staff, whom, in the committees' opinion, demonstrated
exemplary support and diligence with the pledge drive;
4. A recognition of Local Station Board Members volunteering for at least one
phone shift during the drive, or otherwise contributing to the planning or
execution of the fund drive.
5. The KPFT Local Station Board recommends that the KPFT General Manager work
with the KPFT technology and development staff to: (1) enable credit card
pledge transactions and member database system (a.k.a. "MemSys") updates for
pledges received between the hours of 6am and 10pm on weekdays and 8am to 5pm
on weekends during the fund drive to be entered immediately as pledges are
received; and (2) to facilitate a process for "thank you" gifts to be processed
and mailed directly from "pledge central" whenever possible after credit card
transactions are approved.
6. The Local Station Board recommends to the General Manager that a 1 or 2-day
fund drive be scheduled in late December to encourage and take advantage of
late tax-deductible year end giving. As respects points 1. and 2. above, a late
December fund drive of 1 to 2 days in duration or less shall not be considered
a regular fund drive.
End passed motion XII.G
Item XII.H
2051: Weisgal relinquishes the Chair to Duncan for item XII.H
2051: XII.H PSAs: Motion encouraging the announcement of LSB committee meetings
X number of times, X number of days before said committee meetings. Motion to
use the technique of filling blanks to determine X. (TW).
Casenave: Report to Pacifica Foundation on September 2012 from Corporation for
Public Broadcasting showed a failure in announcing meetings. Pacifica
Foundation then acted to correct. The problem is not a lack of corrective
measure, but applying the corrective measure Pacifica has already issued.
Casenave to forward Pacifica CPB compliance rules to Obidike Kamau.
2103: Weisgal asks to withdraw motion XII.H. Hearing no objections from the
body, the motion is withdrawn.
Item XII.I
2103: XII.I Fundraising motion to encourage the LSB to make outgoing calls to
lapsed members and other potential donors from KPFT by the end of July. (TW).
2103: Weisgal withdraws motion XII.I before seconding, motion fails to reach
Duncan relinquishes Chair to Weisgal
Item XII.J
2103: XII.J Motion to establish a Community Partners committee of KPFT's LSB,
to work with management to review community partners to ensure they are not
detrimental to the social responsibilities of the station. (BC).
2110: Subsidiary motion to postpone definitely until the July 2017 LSB meeting,
show of hands, passes.
Item XII.K
2113: XII.K Motion from iGM Obidike Kamau to affirm agreement with The Montrose
Center based upon his report (see VIII and original proposal developed by
former Development Director, Robin Lewis, that was a part of the May agenda.
Motion will be distributed after a meeting with the Montrose Center's
Development Director Kent Loftin on June 6.
2114: Kamau: Free space for 1 LSB monthly meeting, all others are payable.
Subsidiary motion to postpone definitely until the July LSB meeting, passes
Item XII.L
Item XII.L Folio: Motion requesting from management a status report regarding a
Program Guide, its budget (if any) and where we go from here. (RG)
Chair assuming motion for report next month.
2120: XII..M Jerry Lynch: I move that we meet in A Committee of the Whole to
discuss the overall balance of programming and use as the start of our
conversation the great success of the Amy Goodman event and what is happening
in the world every day. I suggest that this is a golden moment for KPFT which
should not be missed. We should advise management to adjust the programming to
include more political content. Further, I say that it is important that there
be an easy to follow schedule such as talk/politics from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM M-
F. and music the rest of the time. There is no substitute for an understandable
schedule. I suggest that KPFT announce, with as much detail as possible (names
of guests or topics), what is going to be on during the latter part of the day.
Telling people to go to the web is no substitute.
2122: Chair call for voice vote to enter committee of the whole, the nays
Motion XII.M fails.
Item XII.N
2123: Weisgal relinquishes Chair to Duncan.
2123: XII.N: N. Broadcast or Stream LSB Meetings: Article Six, Section 7: In
view of this article in the Pacifica Foundation Bylaws: "The Board shall make
reasonable efforts to broadcast or webcast all its public meetings, and
committee meetings, whether such meetings are in-person or telephonic," what
steps should we take? An Informal Discussion. (TW)
2134: Discussion complete, item XII.N completed.
2134: Duncan relinquishes Chair to Weisgal.
2135: IGM report, Obidike Kamau
Printed report handed out.
Two programmer's meetings last month at SHAPE community center.
Planning another programmerss meeting early to mid July.
No intention to interfere with programmers.
Support of call-in shows, seems to be 'going by the wayside' the way things
Open Journal magazine type show with tight schedule.
Appreciates LSB vote of confidence.
Brought in iGM from KPFK, Christine Blosdale, sharing fund-drive strategies.
2141: Some shows will be pre-empted for pledge drive.
Forming grant writing committee.
Thousandaire proposal, $84 monthly support.
2144: Chair asks to expedite report for time.
Voices not scripted, strong community content.
Voices highly successful, filled thru early September.
Branding campaign led by member McCary.
First major fund drive under iGM Kamau, goal of $250k, $16k per day.
2149: CAB report
2150: Terry LeFey reporting for CAB.
March, April and May meetings.
Survey principal tool to get listener feedback.
Town Hall meeting in discussion.
Members: Maryann Martiniz, Timothy Odau, Craig Lightner, Stuart Snow, Terry
2153: Casenave: CPB requirement for CAB to be independent, LSB accepts
2155: Chair refers this issue to Governance Committee.
2157: Finance report, Nick Economides
Currently 15% below budgeted revenues.
Significant balance due to Pacifica in central services and loan payments.
From NFC meeting, Pacifica can no longer allow missed central services
March 31 is most recent financial data on KPFT.
2200 Motion to adjourn, 6 For 7 Opposed
2215: Meeting adjourned.
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