KPFT Local Station Board, Proposed Agenda
February 14, 2018
The Montrose Center
401 Branard, Houston, TX
I. Call to Order.
II. Staff Recognition. [5]
III. Roll Call. [5]
1. Adriana
2. Bill Crosier
3. Joseph Davis
4. Elayne Duncan
5. Nick Economidis
6. Anisa Faruqi
7. Rhonda
8. Robert Gartner
9. Alexandra Hunter
10. Wally James
11. Jim Krafka
12. DeWayne
13. Adrienne LaViolette
14. Mike Lewis
15. Jerry Lynch
16. PK McCary
17. Susie Moreno
18. Rick
19. Deb Shafto
20. KC Sinclair
21. Clif Smith
22. Rita Washington
23. Ted Weisgal
24. Vaniecia
25. Larry Winters (NV)
IV. Agenda Approval. [10]
V. Minutes Approval: [30]
A. August
LSB 8/9 [JD]
B. September LSB 9/13 [DS, TW]
C. October LSB 10/11 [DS]
D. Financial Crisis Meeting 11/6 [No
E. November LSB 11/8 [DS, AC]
F. WC Trial 11/10 [AL]
G. RM Trial 12/1 [AL]
H. December 12/13
I. January Delegates Session 1/10 [TW]
J. January LSB 1/24 [TW]
VI. Consent Items. [10]
To better inform the public of organizational meetings, the LSB recommends that two LSB members each month take
responsibility for making a PSA announcing a calendar of weekly meetings (PNB, LSB, committees) with each calendar
running Monday through Sunday, 4 times daily at different times (morning, afternoon, evening, night) and including
directions for joining the mailing list to receive meeting announcements.
VII. Standing and Special Committee
Reports. [30]
A. Chair Approval
B. Unexcused Absence Approval
C. Membership Approval
D. Budget Approval
(Finance Committee)
E. Question and Answer
VIII. Public Comment. [Time Certain: 8-8:30pm]
IX. Pacifica
National Board and Committee Reports. [15]
A. Question and Answer
X. Interim General Managers Report. (Larry
Winters) [5]
XI. Unfinished Business [8 per motion]
A. Weisgal: Motion to create a Special Committee to
Recruit Candidates from two segments of the
KPFT community for the Program Council:
A. Programmers
B. McCary: Whereas, while censorship is not a new phenomenon for the Pacifica Network, having fought the
good fight about indecent or profane language (and losing), and Whereas censorship tampers with the mission of being
"listener-sponsored free speech radio," and Whereas KPFT's current gag order is censorship and the antithesis of "free
speech radio," and, Whereas listeners are being kept in the dark, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the current gag order
be lifted immediately as it goes against the mission and principles of KPFT.
C. Weisgal: Whereas Bill Crosier
publicly stated that he wanted the trial that asserted that he overstepped his authority as interim Executive Director
of the Pacifica Foundation in his termination of KPFT’s interim General Manager Dr. Obidike Kamau held in public, and
Whereas said trial found Mr. Crosier guilty on three charges, and Whereas one of the penalties passed down by the KPFT
Local Station Board was binding arbitration, Therefore, be it resolved, that it is unconscionable for Mr. Crosier to now
assert that this is a personnel matter and that everything related to the mandated binding arbitration be addressed
privately, and be it further resolved that Until binding arbitration is resolved, Mr. Crosier shall have any and all of
his rights suspended as a member of the KPFT Local Station Board including the right to speak, vote, run for office, or
represent himself as an active member of said LSB. PLEASE NOTE: Should this matter be resolved by 7pm on January 10,
2018, I will, of course, withdraw the preceding motion.
D. Weisgal: I move that the KPFT Local Station Board meet in
a quasi-committee of the whole to discuss the current financial challenges facing the Pacifica Foundation including
especially the court judgement calling for a payment of $1.8 million plus legal fees to the Empire State Realty Trust
and as a result of said discussion advise our four members on the Pacifica National Board on what actions they should
E. Weisgal: Motion to encourage Congress to support a budget that addresses human needs.
XII. New
XIII. Adjournment