WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
January 9, 2019
Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library
4450 Wisconsin
Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20016
Robert Simms, Chair
Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to
Robert Simms chair called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Quorum was established at 6: 50pm.
II. Roll
20 - Members were present at roll call: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, Ellen Williams Carter, Donald Williams,
Robert Simms, Nick Arena, Eileen Rosin, Julie Hewitt, Martha Peterson, Jim Brown, Gloria Turner, Louis Wolf, Nancy
Sorden, Ron Pinchback, Cliff Smith, Lona Alias, Sabooh Hakim, Eric Ramey, Tony Leon, Vicki McGill, Campbell
2 - Excused Absences: Meredith Cordisco, Benito Diaz
1 - Unexcused: Jay Winter Nightwolf
There was one
1 - Resigned: Christine Cotter in October
The GM Jerry Paris was present.
Katea Stitt was absent.
Timekeeper: Julie Hewitt
Sergeant at Arms: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington
III. Approval
of Agenda
The Agenda was approved.
IV. Approval of the Minutes
The December 12, 2018 WPFW LSB regular meeting
minutes were reviewed and approved.
V. Management Reports
The General Manager, Jerry Paris stated the
Health care payments were made and sent out. Work on the transmitter will begin January 25, 2019. The next
fund drive will occur on February 9 and end on March 1. We are trying to double the revenue. The theme for the drive is
400 years (1619) since the beginning of slavery until now 2019. We will receive more information about the theme. WPFW
might seek to acquire portable HD receivers from manufactures for listeners. October 2019 we need to apply for WPFW’s
General Manager, Jerry Paris requested that we have an executive session to discuss personnel matters.

VI. Finance Report
The Treasurer, Nick Arena’s report stated the following:
Bank balance as of 1/7/19 was
approximately $110,000. January bills still need to be paid. Central Services payments are behind by 2-3 payments.
December mini-drive totals still pending. December Income and Expense reports were not available prior to the Finance
and LSB meetings. February Membership Drive is critical. All available LSB members should consider volunteering.
Julie Hewitt is assisting coordination of the LSB with the Staff. Off-air fundraising activities/events are needed in
The following services /items are needed for the February/March drive:
1. Phone answerers

a. Weeknights and weekends
2. Persons to pitch on air
3. Help to deliver the food for Gerri (Office
a. Give suggestions for restaurant
4. Donate food and healthy fruits etc.
VII. Community
Listener from Southern Maryland (She didn’t want to give her name.)- She said that the meetings are good.
She complimented Robb Simms. She was concerned about the proposed bylaw changes.
Arthur McCloud – He wanted to
address his situation concerning his suspension. He said he had proof of his statement that he made during the December
LSB meeting. He asked Lona Alias to present his information. Lona Alias said she went back to the program in question.
She alleged that the racist statement was made by a listener who called the show. She said that Arthur said
Joe Brown – He said that William Blume died and he would like a one hour show about him. He said that
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal looks good. He said that Brother Ah was weakened by surgery and had a fire at his
VIII. PNB Report
Nancy Sorden stated:
The 5 WPFW listener LSB candidates for the 2019 election have been
elected. The staff election is still in progress. The deadline to appeal to get certified as a candidate is December
The PNB signed the contract for accounting service so we can get Pacifica’s general service systems in order.
In addition, they are hiring a development person to help stations with development.
Eric Ramsey stated:
National Programming Committee member Eric said that the ED wants to make changes in the programming.
IX. Program
Donna Grimes stated that the Program Committee met on Wednesday January 2 at the Station and by phone.
They worked on adding practical details to the approved Resolution Regarding Programming Changes. PC asked to add this
topic (Resolution Details) to the agenda for the February LSB meeting and will provide an advance copy at this (January)
meeting. We will communicate with the MASC committee about scheduling our respective meetings so as to not conflict on
the 1st Wednesday of the month. Robb said he would provide the PC survey monkey.
X. MASC Committee
They have not
completed their candidate’s search. They have run out of candidates. They want to advertise the position more; they
need money to advertise.
XI. Outreach and Development
WPFW will have a table at the Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival
in February. An evening of poetry fundraiser is planned for June or July.
It was decided that WPFW will have a Town
Hall Meeting in March. Maskeelah suggested that we invite the ED Maxie Jackson.
XII. New Business
It was decided
that WPFW will have a Town Hall Meeting in March. Maskeelah suggested that we invite the ED Maxie Jackson.
Manager, Jerry Paris requested that we have an executive session to discuss personnel matters.
XIII. Adjourned
Regular Meeting at 8:18pm
Reconvened for the Executive Session 8:19pm
Robert Simms, Chair adjourned the meeting
at 8:29pm
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter