WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
August 14, 2019
Shepherd Park
7420 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington, D.C.
Sabooh Hakim – Chair
Ellen Williams Carter - Secretary
I. Call to order
Sabooh Hakim chair called
the meeting to order at 6:40 pm. Quorum was established at 6:45pm.
II. Roll call
11 - Members were present at roll
call: Ellen Williams Carter, Robert Simms, Eileen Rosin, Julie Hewitt, Louis Wolf, Nancy Sorden, Cliff Smith, Sabooh
Hakim, Tony Leon, Craig Williams, Benito Diaz, Martha Peterson,
3 -Excused Absences: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington,
Nick Arena, Ron Pinchback
1- Unexcused: Wayne Tilly
There was one resignation Jim Brown.
There were two
removals for members that termed out: Lona Alias and Gloria Turner.
The IPD Katea Stitt was absent.
Robb Simms
Sergeant at Arms: Sabooh
III. Agenda
The Agenda was approved.
IV. Approval of the Minutes
July 10, 2019 was approved.
The Chair reported the status of current vacancies (8 listeners, 2 staff).
Management Reports
The General Manager, Jerry Paris stated the following:
He won’t extend the pledge drive. As
of today, $120,000 was raised. Bill Wax, a Saturday programmer raised the most money. The GM had a good meeting with
the ED. The ED also met with the staff. He stated that our weakness presently is our finances. The Ed stated that he
wants us to function as a network. The GM stated that WPFW established a Grant Task Force consisting of Jane Gatewood
and Jerry Paris. Vicki McGill is the new Social Media/Web Publishing contractor. Special programming aired for Ron Clark
and Tony Morrison. Roach Brown aired a program regarding Stop Gun Violence. A concerned was raised regarding the on
air programing and the IPD’s sharing of information about programming such as additions and changes. NETA suggested a
new time and attention program to track employee hours. Vacation and sick leave will be locked down. A new water cooler
was purchased. A contract person was hired. No Arbitron was shared. Robb will present the Arbitron information during
the next meeting. He stated that Info@wpfw.org had some information. A motion was presented regarding
Info@wpfw.org will be sent to wpfw.lsb@gmail.com for retrieval.
Vote: Unanimous
Nick Arena, treasure stated the following:
The station’s Bank Balances were $25,000 as of June 30. The
Station is in an immediate CASH FLOW CRISIS. There were not sufficient funds to meet the full payroll expenses in July.
The deficit was paid by Pacifica. The Office Rent and Health insurance was not paid. Other vendor payments have been
delayed as well. The Station staff is speaking with vendors to let them know the situation. With the August Pledge
Drive's totals thru August 12, the Station expects to collect over $109,000 so far on a goal of $175,000. The GM and
Staff are meeting with major donors. $25,000 was received in July. All members of the LSB should consider any August
donations they were considering or soliciting be made ASAP. Grant writers are needed. LSB members should consider
Grant writer and potential major donors’ referrals to the GM.
A FY19 thru February has been provided by the CFO. It
is unclear as to how we compare to the Budget. A rough Cash basis comparison to budget is provided. Taking into
account the payroll funds owed to Pacifica, past due Central Services payments (6-7) and past due health insurance
payments ($9,000) that have not been paid as well as $30,000 in National Election costs that are in the budget, the
budget is likely deficit is over $120,000. The Station has not been asked to make payments for the National Election to
date. Additional Off-air fundraising activities/events are desperately needed in Sept.
VII. Community Comment
He was concerned with the notice that Katea, IPD sent to programmers about calling the President names. He
stated that programmers have 1st amendment rights.
Donna Grimes
She said that she sent a message to Info@wpfw.org
and it bounced back with a response from Sataria. She asked why Richard Wolf never pitches for WPFW during his
Robert Daughtry
He agrees with Tony Norman regarding 1st amendment rights.
Ramon Ramaldi
He was also
concerned with the notice that Katea, IPD sent to programmers about calling the President names. He stated that
programmers have 1st amendment rights.
Ambrose Lane Jr.
He stated that his father has called Regan a racist. He
feels that the email that was sent to programmers takes us away from our mission. He stated that he has a health based
program that he would like to share on air but the IPD has not responded to his emails.
Arthur McCloud
He said
everyone has talked about the president. He said there are shows that say something about the president every day.

Thomas O’Rourke
He wants Gary Null to return to WPFW.
He talked about the FCC 7 dirty words.
He said that he felt personally threatened by the IPD’s email regarding calling the President names. The GM said what
Nightwolf said about the President was unprofessional. In addition, Nightwolf said that he wants an additional hour for
his show which represents Native American issues.
Jessie Roadwork
Wants to know the status of the
VIII. PNB Report
Eileen Rosin
The 2018 draft audit is completed. It needs approval from the
Nancy Sorden
She stated that the PNB Programming committee met. At this time, they are reviewing the Pacifica
stations programming.
IX. Program Committee
Donna Grimes
The PC met by conference call on August 13, 2019.
They focused on the Programming Resolution approved by the LSB in May 2019. They discussed getting receipt of
Info@wpfw.org. In addition, they discussed meeting with the GM about restoring the LSB show.
They are reviewing applications.
XI. Outreach and Development
The Blues Festival Report was not
given. The 5KWalk/Run will take place on September 14, 2019 at Wheaton Reginald Park. Flyers will be available.
New Business
Sabooh Hakim, Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:40pm
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams