Final July 8, 2020 minutes
WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
July 8, 2020
Washington, DC
Hakim – Chair
Tony Leon – Vice Chair
Nick Arena - Treasurer
Ellen Williams Carter - Secretary
Call to order
Sabooh Hakim, chair called the meeting to order at 6:50 pm. Quorum was established 6:45pm.
Roll call
21 - Members that were present at roll call: Craig Hall, Dennis Williams, Eileen Rosin, Ellen Williams
Julie Hewitt, Louis Wolf, Marsha Coleman Adebayo, Martha Peterson, Maskeelah Washington, Tony Leon,
Vanessa Dixon-Briggs, Wayne Bruce, Arthur McCloud, Lucille Perez, Tim Willard, Kathleen Malloy, Sabooh
Nancy Sorden, Ron Pinchback, Thomas O’Rourke, Nick Arena, Jay Winter Nightwolf, Donna Grimes
Excused Absences:
Craig Hall
Unexcused Absences: Chuk Nixon
There were no resignations.
Timekeeper: Dennis
Sergeant at Arms: Parliamentarian
III. Agenda
1. Motion added concerning the parliamentary
inquiry: Vanessa & Kathleen
2. New business starting the manager evaluation
3. Start the process to fill LSB
vacancies -new business
4. Executive session for personnel matter –Tony’s motion
IV. Approval of the
Motion to move the minutes to the next meeting. The motion was approved.
V.Management Reports
The General Manager, Jerry Paris
The transmitter is 100% operational. The studio is disinfected to protect the
staff. Staff is working part time. He has done shows from his home through special equipment. The Office Manager is no
longer on the staff. Lightning struck the transmitter. The work Jerry and Moe did on the transmitter saved WPFW
$100,000. We are receiving funds for payroll. Our WPFW newscasts are also aired on WBAI. Our next Pledge Drive is in
August. It may be two weeks instead of one week. Rob Sims has left WPFW. A new intern is reporting remotely. All
programs are aired some from home and some are done in the studio.
Maskeela - Is Katea still
boycotting the meeting? GM - She isn’t attending the meeting.
Martha - Is WPFW airing the George Floyd funeral?
GM- Pacifica presented National Special Programming: An Unlikely Icon - George Floyd: His Life, his Death, and his
Legacy Hosted by: Verna Avery-Brown (WPFW) and Akua Holt (KPFT) will be aired.
Thomas O’Rourke: How is programming
taking place? GM – He is doing some programs from his home. The public Affairs programmers are doing their programs
from their homes. Most of the music programs are done in the studio.
VI. Finance (submitted a written report)
The Station Bank Balances were $59,000 as of June 30. Off-air and other types of fundraising is needed due to
shortfalls in 2019 and 2020. Ideas include contacting donors who have not supported the station in the last 12 months;
selling merchandise (branded WPFW masks…etc.) via the website; placing ads on the website; obtain additional local
grants. LSB members should consider volunteering during for these fundraising activities. We still need Grant writers
and potential major donor referrals to the Station. The Station is behind budget by approximately $50,000. Loan interest
payments of $3,150 per month are included in the Budget starting in Dec.’19. Budgeted Expenses of $50,000 for the HD
transmitter costs were not made in January due to lack of funds. PNO estimates that WPFW past due Central Services
payments for FY20 are approximately $88,000. Additional payments for other expenses from FY19 are estimated at $180,000.
Approximately $20,000 in National Election costs that are not included in the FY2020 budget. The Station has not been
asked to make payments for the National Election to date.
VII. Community Comment
Joe Brown thanked Nightwolf for
his show. He acknowledged the part Nightwolf made in encouraging the change of the Washington football teams name. He is
disappointed that Jay was taken off the air.
Cliff Smith stated that Nightwolf’s show is extraordinary.
Thomas stated that he moved to Delaware. He said that he is proud to be the WPFW’s chief engineer.
Report (submitted a written report)
Nancy stated in her written report the following:
On June 23 Pacifica
received the $1.2 million Payroll Protection Program loan. The Emergency Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) application is
still being processed.
The Bylaw amendments voted on were the following:
On June 25 the PNB voted on and
approved the following Bylaw amendments that have been posted on the Pacifica website as required by the Bylaws. These
were forwarded by the PNB Secretary to all LSBs to vote on.
- Amendment to Shorten the Amendment Process
- Amendment to Modify Pacifica Foundation Name
- Amendment to Modify Amendment Petition Threshold
voted on but did not approve the following Bylaw amendment
-Amendment to Codify Financial Responsibility
PNB approval an exception to the hiring freeze. The PNB approved hiring a replacement for Development
Director at
WBAI. The PNB Town Hall task force was appointed to plan the next PNB Town Hall. Affiliates
Department to become
Affiliates Unit. The COVID-19 task force shared the link to the web page for Covid, Race & Democracy, where you can find
all of the previous editions (with descriptions) available to listen to and to download: individuals across the network are
volunteering their time to work on this project, including Katea Stitt and their help is greatly appreciated. (BTW Katea
has been instrumental in helping to produce the shows. Her production skills are greatly appreciated around the
Verna Avery Brown (WPFW) and Ron Pinchback are on the Covid-19 task force.
The Development Task Force-
paid the back amount owed to Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).
A Recovery Plan for the 2018 Audit was
A Recovery Plan (approved by the PNB) has been required by the California Attorney General. The recovery
plan is Attachment A; it begins on page 5 and continues on page 6 of the minutes.
Vanessa stated that the Personnel
committee is looking for a new executive director.
Eileen stated that the Governance committee discussed the
Delegate Assembly 9:04 adjourned to Delegate Assembly 9:08 began the vote and discussion
discussed the 3 proposed bylaw amendments.
Ron stated that the amendments that we are voting on are procedural
amendments not substantive.
Motion to stop the discussion and debate; Vote: Favor- 19 against 1 Abstention- 1
- Proposed Bylaw Amendment to Shorten the Amendment Process – Vote: Unanimous
- Proposed Bylaw Amendment to
Modify Pacifica Foundation Name – Vote: Unanimous
- Proposed Bylaw Amendment to Modify Amendment Petition
Threshold – Vote: Favor 15 against 4
Abstention 1
9:29 ended the Delegate Assembly
See the additional
attachment for result of the vote.
IX. Outreach and Development (submitted a written report)
As of July 18; 5
people have requested information. The Town hall will take place on ZOOM July 18, from 1pm-3pm. WPFW Blues Fest will
take place in 2021. The U St. Jam is uncertain but they are looking at some time in December. There are two different
plans for the WPFW 5K - WPFW Walk against COVID-19. Plan A involves Physical Distancing; Plan B, involves a Virtual run
by way of zoom. Before the Walk, they would broadcast helpful information about combating COVID-19. Another fundraiser
is a Raffle Fundraiser where people register and pay online. They will ask different organizations and people to donate
their products or services to raffle off, e.g. (free barber/beautician appointments, music classes, chiropractic care,
memberships to fitness centers, etc.)
X. Programming Committee (submitted a written report)
The Programming
committee submitted a letter that they want to send to Jerry (GM) and Katea (PD) concerning several issues. Donna said
that the committee couldn’t complete their tasks without the attendance of the managers at their meeting so they
decided to send a letter to them. It was decided that the letter would be discussed during the August meeting as
unfinished business before the letter is sent.
XI. Unfinished Business Letter to Managers
The LSB voted and
decided that the program committee’s draft letter to the managers should not be sent until there was further
Parliamentary Inquiry
A Parliamentary inquiry was made by Vanessa Dixon Briggs regarding the
Roberts Rules. The Parliamentarian stated that he does not rule on anything. He stated that all questions should go
through the chair. This is that statement that Vanessa Dixon –Briggs wanted attached: She said that the
Parliamentarian stated, “The correct process is that members who want to make a parliamentary inquiry must be
recognized by the chairman to make the parliamentary inquiry. When the member asked the question, the chairman must be
the first one to attempt to answer the question. If the chairman is unable to answer the question, he may recognize any
board member who he thinks might be able to answer the question. He may also recognize the parliamentarian to answer the
question.” Vanessa Dixon Briggs said that this is a new process which is different than past practice and
documentation regarding the process for parliamentary inquiry previously provided by the parliamentarian.
XII. New
Evaluation Process
It was decided that an evaluation process was needed for evaluations of the GM and
LSB Vacancies
On the WPFW-LSB there is one staff vacancy available and 2 listener vacancies.
Adjourned the Regular Meeting at 10:59 pm
Convened the Executive Session 11:02 pm
Sabooh Hikim, Chair adjourned
the meeting at 12:09 am
Minutes submitted by: Secretary, Ellen Williams Carter
Attachment A
Pacifica Recovery Plan
The IED brought this to the last PNB meeting (July 2, 2020) to be approved and then attached
to the audit for FY2018. Here is the Recovery Plan that was approved:
Recovery Plan for July 2, 2020 PNB Meeting by
IED, Lydia Brazon
The current financial situation is unprecedented in the many years since most of us have been in
Pacifica. Contributing factors include a combination of inherited, unsustainable, massive debt, dwindling membership and
listeners, the absence of CPB funding and last but certainly not least COVID 19. Certainly the pandemic has and is
expected to result in national financial uncertainty, only adding to Pacifica’s grave financial state.
A recovery
plan must both reduce our expenses and grow our listeners to be effective. Those proposals which constitute an expense,
would be contingent on our affordability at the time. Some measures are relative to what can be done depending on the
confines of our union contracts at four of our stations.
Currently at the PNO, at least $125,000 per year savings
are being realized from the absence of a salaried E.D.
and a reduction of will be a factor in the short term.
Additional reductions regarding the departure of other employees are being realized in the form of resignations and some
are from expected expense and staff reductions.
The donations from the PNO email appeal letter of June 2,2020 has
provided important data and adding ACTBLUE as a donation option on and has proven to be beneficial, in that
the donations are greater and there is an increase in recurring donation commitments.
The delinquent KPFA property
taxes issue is now in the very capable hands of two law firms specializing in these matters. We are cautiously
optimistic that most of what is due will be reversed and the properties ultimately and rightfully deemed tax exempt.
Union contract negotiations will begin soon for two stations and will hopefully be accommodating regarding the
situation at KPFK for that contract ending September 30 KPFA, contract is ending October 31 and the expectation is in
both cases, that there will be mutually beneficial negotiations which will be of further benefit to all concerned in
The Pacifica Bylaws are currently in the process of being amended to allow for more bylaws ballots and a
shorter time frame for approval which should improve the efficacy of Pacifica’s governance structure.
In 2016, I
consulted our FCC attorney at the time, John Crigler, about the feasibility of an internet station to start with in
Chicago, so as to introduce a new listener, member and revenue stream in a city with activism and vibrancy that wholly
compliments our mission. My understanding is that because most of the licenses are based on audience and since we
wouldn’t have much to begin with, the cost per license is only in the hundreds. This remains a low-cost option for
audience and income growth for Pacifica.
In the first six months of 2020, the Board has demonstrated a more
disciplined approach to finances than in the past, by way of passing motions which tangibly support the work of
management in its effort to both reign in expenses and develop innovative efforts such as the COVID 19 special
nationally mandated programming by Board members and volunteers throughout the network.
In late July, a Pacifica
National Fund drive will take place which should, like the national appeal provide additional funds while peppering the
drive with high profile guests and hosts.
June and July continue to afford Pacifica broadcast opportunities to
uniquely address issues regarding race relations and policing, Pacifica has been broadly acknowledged as a source of its
relevant coverage over the years, absent the rip-and-read practice of mainstream media. In August, there will be
additional national broadcasts of the National political parties and their Conventions affording us with yet another
opportunity to attract listeners and funds. And of course, the November Presidential elections historic in its many
aspects and the Pacifica roundtables should attract, once again, an incisive voice to the conversation and analysis
I propose recruiting social media activists as well as PR to communicate all that Pacifica is now offering.
KPFT, KPFA and KPFK have transitioned to Allegiance and out of MEMSYS with WBAI and WPFW transitioning in the coming
months. This promises to facilitate the membership reconciliations and greatly improve the accuracy and flexibility of
critical data essential to strategic planning
I propose an investment in training staff and continued education in
the various areas of governance, management, radio and social media to name a few. Much of what has been brought to our
attention by auditors past and present could, prove to be significantly beneficial by said investment of time, energy
and modest funding.
Last but certainly not least, having received the PPP funding on June 26 and the prospect of
receiving the applied for EIDL loan, will afford the Foundation an important opportunity to develop a fiscally prudent
and mission driven recovery and strategic plan moving forward