1. Convene meeting 8:30 PM (ET)
2. Roll Call
3. Adopt agenda
4. Approve minutes (2 minutes)
5. Chair's
announcements (2 minutes)
6. wells fargo. (10 minutes Report, 15 minutes Q&A)
7. Analysis of YTD financials
Director Cory (15 minutes)
8. ICFO Report, Anita Sims (15 minutes report, 15 minutes Q&A)
9. Central Services
Formula (15 minutes)
10. Reports from stations on Budget Timeline progress (starting where we left off last time)
KPFT, WPFW, WBAI, KPFA, KPFK (10 minutes)
11. Discussion: Should all Pacifica stations have a Finance Committee? (15
12. New Business
13. Adjourn no later than 10:15 PM (ET)