1. Convene meeting 8:30 PM (ET)
2. Roll Call
3. Adopt Agenda
4. Chair's Announcements (2 minutes)
5. Minutes Approval (3 minutes)
6. Report, if available, from the Pacifica Executive Director (10 minutes
Report and Q&A)
7. Third Party Fundraising (10 minutes)
8. Review the year end September Financials and
October Financials. (iCFO Reporting and Q&A 40 minutes)
9. ICFO Report (10 minutes Report and Q&A)
Budget Timelines and schedule for NFC review of budgets for FY 2022 (5 minutes)
11. Unfinished business with the
National Office; compile a list to share with the NO of year end outstanding items (5 minutes)
12. Adjourn to
Executive Session no later than 09:45 PM (ET)